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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 623685

Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 80
Vivir en : Estados Unidos
I m a woman of value, I treat people the way I treat myself. Everyone is important to me in their various ways. I like people with good sense of humor 私は価値のある人です 私は私が自分自身を扱う方法で人 を扱います 誰...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 41
Vivir en : Reino Unido
For me, my personal life has nothing to do with choosing people. I am not a racist, I do not judge people because of their race, color, appearance or age, there are no age differences or distance barr...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 15
Vivir en : Japón
こんにちは日本の男子私立中学生です外国の文化を積極的に学びたいと思っています お気軽に連絡ください Hello I am a male junior high school student at a private Japanese school I am eager to learn about for...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 34
Vivir en : Japón
韓国に関心があり 韓国語の勉強をしようと思ってます 韓国について教えてくれたり コスメやアイドルも好きなので話せたら嬉しいです 日本ではアニメやゲームも好きです 한국에 관...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 25
Vivir en : Vietnam
Hi, I m Xuan Anh from Hanoi, VN. I am an introvert and want to observe and listen to stories from people around me. I like to read books, listen to soft music, instrumental music, classical music with...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 52
Vivir en : Corea
안녕하세요. 저는 한국 사람이고, 서울에 살고 있습니다. 한국에 관심 있는 대만 Taiwan 친구와 한국어로 교류하고 싶습니다. 만약 한국어를 잘 못 하셔도 괜찮습니다. 저는 중국어도 가능...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 22
Vivir en : Filipinas
ISTP HelloI am looking for a Language Exchange Partner that will help me improve in reading and writing a certain language. I am also curious about the cultures and traditions of other countries. Feel...