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Pluma-pals con fotos!


Total members : 620290

Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 41
Vivir en : Polonia
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 42
Vivir en : Turquía
Hi, I am living in Turkey. I am a teacher. I am a member of this site to improve my English and make new friends. I want to know different cultures. I hope I can make new friends her...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 46
Vivir en : Corea
Hello Nice to meet you. I am from Korea. My name is Kimminseok. I can speak in English and Japanese and Russia and Mongolia and Vietnam language. I like studying foreign languages. I hope to be good f...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 49
Vivir en : Alemania
Hi, my name is Svenja, I like traveling, sport, nature and listening to music. Actually, I am learning Korean, Japanese and Chinese. If you like to write in English or learning German, please feel fre...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 49
Vivir en : Japón
こんな 酷いメッセージが 来ました T T 純粋に 言語交換友達が欲しくて こちらサイトに登録しましたが… 日本女性のみなさん 気をつけてくださいね 良い人もいますので 良い人と出会...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 42
Vivir en : Japón
We talk about all kinds of things, regardless of the topic. I m looking for overseas friends that I can get close to. テーマに関係なく 様 な話題について話したいです 親しくなれる海外の友達を探しています A socia...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 43
Vivir en : Marruecos
Hello everybodyMy name is Jad and I am 42 years old. I come from Morocco. I like reading, learning foreign languages, making friends from all over the world, tennis, football, art, nature, watching TV...
HI! PENPAL! An international penpal website!
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Pluma-pals con fotos!


Total members : 620290

Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 41
Vivir en : Polonia
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 42
Vivir en : Turquía
Hi, I am living in Turkey. I am a teacher. I am a member of this site to improve my English and make new friends. I want to know different cultures. I hope I can make new friends her...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 46
Vivir en : Corea
Hello Nice to meet you. I am from Korea. My name is Kimminseok. I can speak in English and Japanese and Russia and Mongolia and Vietnam language. I like studying foreign languages. I hope to be good f...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 49
Vivir en : Alemania
Hi, my name is Svenja, I like traveling, sport, nature and listening to music. Actually, I am learning Korean, Japanese and Chinese. If you like to write in English or learning German, please feel fre...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 49
Vivir en : Japón
こんな 酷いメッセージが 来ました T T 純粋に 言語交換友達が欲しくて こちらサイトに登録しましたが… 日本女性のみなさん 気をつけてくださいね 良い人もいますので 良い人と出会...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 42
Vivir en : Japón
We talk about all kinds of things, regardless of the topic. I m looking for overseas friends that I can get close to. テーマに関係なく 様 な話題について話したいです 親しくなれる海外の友達を探しています A socia...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 43
Vivir en : Marruecos
Hello everybodyMy name is Jad and I am 42 years old. I come from Morocco. I like reading, learning foreign languages, making friends from all over the world, tennis, football, art, nature, watching TV...