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Pluma-pals con fotos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621048

Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 29
Vivir en : Corea
しばらく休んでからまた始めます こんにちは 日本が好きな韓国人です 日本人の友達と付き合って日本語を学びたくて加入しました 日本の食べ物と歌が好きです たまにアニメも見ます...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 36
Vivir en : Corea
안녕하세요. 1987년생이고, 번역기를 사용하지만. 많은 외국 친구들을 사귀고 싶어요 저는 톡과 을 사용하고 있어요. talk ,편안하게 대화할수 있는 좋은친구와 서로 언어를 주고받았으면 ...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 21
Vivir en : Suiza
helluuuuu nice to meet you, you can call me Ay. I am a student from Switzerland. I am interested in languages especially the ones I will never master because they are so difficult haha I would also li...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 53
Vivir en : Corea
Hi, my name is Justynn from south Korea. I am a musician who composes and arranges music, and also selling musical instruments and teaching students. Since I was young, I have been interested in forei...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 34
Vivir en : Francia
Hello everyone. I m Japanese living in FranceLikes movies, traveling, reading, walking, activities, cooking, etc. I am studying French now. I m looking for friends that I enjoy messaging with. Thank y...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 23
Vivir en : Corea
こんにちは 日本人の友達がほしくて加入しました 私は今年24歳の韓国人男性です もし良かったら私に日本語を教えてくれませんか 私も助けが必要な部分でお手伝いいたします お互い...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 15
Vivir en : Estados Unidos
Hi, my name is Avery and I m a 15 year old girl and I m looking for new friends around my age. I m very interested in East Asian countries bc my dad has visited korea, japan, and China and they were b...