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암행어사: 조선비밀수사단(A Study on the Secret Service of Chosun)
06,Jan 2021 02:34 PM
06,Jan 2021 02:34 PM
드라마 월, 화 오후 9:30 2020.12.21~(Drama Wall, Tuesday 9:30 p.m., 2020.12.21~)
부정부패를 척결하고, 비리에 맞서 백성의 억울함을 풀어주는 조선시대 왕실의 비밀수사관 암행어사와 어사단의 통쾌한 코믹 미스터리 수사극
(The comic mystery investigation drama of the secret investigators of the Joseon Dynasty and the esoteric society that solves corruption and solves the injustice of the people against corruption)
(不正腐敗を清算し、不正に対抗民の悔しさを解放する朝鮮時代の王室の秘密捜査官潜行御史と語師団の痛快なコミック謎捜査劇 )
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